Here, you will find details about my background, my past and current research (publications and presentations) and teaching activities, and some tutorials. Start exploring using the navigation menu.
Currently seeking: 2 post-docs + Masters intern with possible conversion to Ph.D. (See Open Positions page)
May 2, 2023
Recently, we used the metal 3D printing machine developed by my group to perform the first experiments of an international consortium (currently comprised of 10 groups from Europe and Australia). The ESRF made a video to showcase this effort and wrote an article on it. Check it out at
October 1, 2021
Gabriel Dante Lima Chaves has joined my research group (the MoSES group) to pursue his PhD. Welcome!
September 30, 2021
Meriem Ben Haj Slama has finished her 1-year post-doc in my research group (the MoSES group). She had a very post-doc with 4 publications (2 published, 1 under review and 1 in preparation). She is currently working at CESI Nancy.
September 1, 2021
Kouider Abdellah Abdesselam has joined my research group (the MoSES group) to pursue his PhD. Welcome!
May 3, 2021
Juan Guillermo Santos Macias has joined my research group (the MoSES group) to work on the ERC-StG-2020 project GAMMA. Welcome!
March 8, 2021
2 PhD positions on ERC GAMMA filled
March 1, 2021
Steve Gaudez has joined my research group (the MoSES group) as the first post-doc on the ERC-StG-2020 project GAMMA. Welcome!
November 30, 2020
2 post-doc positions on ERC GAMMA filled.
October 14, 2020
Call for 2 post-docs on ERC StG 2020 project GAMMA. Details can be found in Open Positions as well as in the document below.
October 1, 2020
Meriem Ben Haj Slama has joined my research group (the MoSES group) as its first post-doc. Welcome!
Meriem’s biography ↗
Meriem has obtained her PhD in Material Science and Engineering from Lorraine University in 2018. She obtained her mechanical engineering diploma from ENI-Metz in 2014. She specializes in microstructural and mechanical characterization, phase transformation and plasticity modeling. Her recent publications can be found here.