PI & Resources

Awarded to: Prof. Helena van Swygenhoven
PEM, Paul Scherrer Institute, 5232 Villigen, Switzerland
NXMM, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, 1015 Lausanne Switzerland
Sheet metals and alloys are often subjected to biaxial loading and load/strain path changes. However, most of our understanding of the multi-scale material behavior, and the development of associated models to describe this behavior, is based on uniaxial loading. This is because there is a lack of biaxial loading and load path change experiments to study the material behavior, particularly at the microstructural scale. This project aims at filling this gap by creating a database of experimental results for different materials to understand their biaxial load path change behavior at the macroscopic and microstructural scale, and in the process help develop better models.
My role
To develop multi-scale modeling approaches that work in synergy with in-situ neutron diffraction and in-situ digital image correlation (DIC) experiments to quantitatively explain the mechanical and microstructural evolution of stainless steel cruciform samples subjected to biaxial loading and load path changes.
My approach
I proposed a multi-scale modeling approach was proposed to simulate the microstructural and mechanical behavior of metal/alloy parts with complex geometries subjected to multi-axial load path changes. In its most advanced form, this approach uses the implementation of the viscoplastic self-consistent polycrystalline model as a user-material into the ABAQUS finite element framework to predict the non-linearly coupled gauge stresses of the cruciform geometry. After validation with the in-situ DIC observations of macroscopic strains, the predicted gauge stresses are then used to drive the full-field elasto-viscoplastic fast Fourier transform polycrystalline model to predict lattice strain and intensity evolutions.
POLDI instrument, SINQ neutron source, Paul Scherrer Institute
ABAQUS/Standard FEM software
Elasto-viscoplastic FFT model
For more details, go to my publications page
- Upadhyay et al., “Microstructural evolution of stainless steel subjected to biaxial load path changes: in-situ neutron diffraction and multi-scale modeling”, IJP, 122 (2019) 49 – 72 LINK
- Zecevic et al., “A crystallographic extension to the Olson-Cohen model for predicting strain path dependence of martensitic transformation”, Acta Mat., 166 (2019) 386 – 401. LINK
- Upadhyay et al., “Mechanical response of stainless steel subjected to biaxial load path changes: Cruciform experiments and multi-scale modeling”, IJP, 108 (2018) 144 – 168. LINK
- Upadhyay et al., “Intergranular Strain Evolution During Biaxial Loading: A Multiscale FE-FFT Approach”, JOM, 69 (2017) 839 – 847. LINK
- Van Petegem et al., “A miniaturized biaxial deformation rig for in situ mechanical testing”, Exp. Mech., 57 (2017) 569 – 580. LINK
- Upadhyay et al., “Stresses and strains in cruciform samples deformed in tension, Exp. Mech., 57 (2017) 905 – 920. LINK
- Upadhyay et al., “Study of lattice strain evolution during biaxial deformation of stainless steel using a finite element and fast Fourier transform based multi-scale approach”, Acta Mat., 118 (2016) 28 – 43. LINK
- Van Petegem et al., “In-situ neutron diffraction during biaxial deformation”, Acta Mat., 105 (2016) 404 – 416. LINK
For more details go to my presentations page
- Upcoming: IMDEA, Madrid (Spain) (INVITED)
- LEM3 CNRS, Metz (France) (INVITED)
- Colloque Plasticité, Lille (France)
- International Conference on Plasticity, Damage and Fracture, Panama City (Panama) (INVITED)
- Deakin University, Geelong (Australia) (INVITED)
- Thermec 2018, Paris (France) (INVITED)
- ESMC10 – 10th European Solid Mechanics conference, Bologna (Italy) (INVITED)
- NIAG group, NUM Division, Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen (Switzerland) (INVITED)
- GDR MePhy: Space-time multi-scale methods workshop, Paris (France) (INVITED)
- TMS 2018, Phoenix (USA)
- ECCOMAS Thematic conference CMCS 2017, Paris (France)
- EUROMAT 2017, Thessaloniki (Greece)
- Third Schoental symposium – Dislocation based Plasticity Kloster Schoental (Germany) (INVITED)
- Third nuclear materials workshop, Oberschan (Switzerland) (INVITED)
- TMS 2017, San Diego (USA)
- MMM 2016, Dijon (France)
- EMMC 2016, Brussels (Belgium)
- ICTAM 2016, Montreal (Canada) (INVITED)
- IAP 2016, Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium)
- CCMX annual meeting 2016, Bern (Switzerland)
- TMS 2016, Nashville (USA)
- EUROMECH 2015, Houffalize (Belgium)
- GRC 2015 – Physical Metallurgy, Biddeford (USA)
- Summer school on multi-scale modeling of materials, Les Houches (France)
Main collaborators
Paul Scherrer Institute
Prof. Helena van Swygenhoven
Dr. Steven van Petegem
Dr. Tobias Panzner
Dr. Jan Capek
Dr. Efthymios Polatidis
Dr. Miroslav Smid (now at Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic)
Other institutions
Dr. Ricardo A. Lebensohn (Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA)
Dr. Carlos N. Tomé (Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA)
Dr. Wei Wen (Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA)
Prof. Anirban Patra (IIT-Bombay, India)
Prof. Marko Knezevic (University of New Hampshire, USA)